Career Development Tip #1
For a while now, a tester friend has persuaded me to write and share a few tips on career development. I am attempting here to confidently share the factors that helped me in my career, and a tip. Most of us enter the workforce unbeknownst to factors that truly help us build a career or how to develop it. So where did I look for guidance to build a career ? A senior in the training department who was evidently *super confident with their work was what caught my attention as a newcomer to the corporate world. One who was growing year after year in my POV not by acquiring fancier titles/roles, or by being friendly with their boss and by doing their boss’s job for the first half then slog 8 more hours to complete their assigned task. But the growth I refer to here and from what I noticed about the trainer was how brilliantly they were showing up at work. *super confident - I understand that others in their own team were envious of the trainer’s confidence and mocked even at any given c